Jun 20, 2011

Mission: Craft room organization

Getting organized and cleaning out your crafting supplies seems to be a never ending mission.  Sadly though, this is a fact.  I've come to accept this, as I read in a blog once that since your products are consumable (once used, it's gone) your storage needs change.  Where you once had a stack of 25 sheets of paper, now suddenly you're down to 10.  There's a lot of consumable products like: stickers, chipboard, paper, rub ons, buttons, flowers, brads, clips, ribbon, need I go on.  But then again, you also have non-consumable products like: ink pads, stamps, die cutter, dies, scissors, adhesive, and markers.  (I put adhesive as non-consumable since this is something I always refill, thus it's never 'gone' completely)
So with all these different products, how do you store them?  Let alone your magazines, photos, and memorabilia - that's an entirely different subject.  
I've been scrapbooking and stamping for over 12 years.  I've had just a table with plastic tubs and now I have a craft room...it's been maybe a year and a half.  I find I'm ALWAYS reorganizing and moving things around. I do this probably at least once every month to two months.  While I leave the tables and shelf in place, what is on the table and in the shelves is constantly moving and changing containers. 
I find that after I try something out for a while, if'it doesn't really work for me I'm not afraid to change it.  I'm always looking for good ideas, cute containers, empty boxes I could possible recycle, etc. that expands the possibilities of storage solutions for me.  Also, I have been making the move of getting less wood block stamps and getting more clear stamps.  This definitely causes a need to change my storage solution for my stamps, as they are thinner, take up less space, but I have to see the front of them to know what they are.  
In addition I also have been using more sticker alphabets - this I haven't used much before so I didn't need a storage spot for them.  But now I have multiple sheets and I've only used portions of them, thus I now need a place to keep them. 
So, tonight my mission is to organize a bit.  I've been creating cards lately and find that during the process I get frustrated since I have to stack things atop each other in order to have space to work.  And I see there's a lot on my desk that is getting 'in the way' as I working - this I want to avoid.  Not to mention, I got a few more new stamps which now I need to put somewhere.  
Take a look at your area, large or small - see what you use a lot, what gets in your way, what you wish you could find  - and then organize.  See if you like things visible or hidden.  What inspires you and what frustrates you.  Try to keep your inspiration high, as this is your creative outlet.  
I hope to have a more organized and functional space by the end of tonight.  Happy crafting! 


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